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What's New in PDF Pro 

June 8, 2022
Last Updated
September 21, 2022
1 min
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The PDF Pro team has been hard at work making PDF Pro even better. 

We’ve added new features and enhancements to make PDF Pro even more powerful and easier to use, and we’ve improved the overall stability and performance of PDF Pro’s desktop application. 

Stay tuned for more frequent updates, every 2-4 weeks! 

New Features and Enhancements:

  1. You can deselect a tool in PDF Pro by clicking it again.
  2. You’re now able to optionally set PDF Pro to restore the last tool used when you open a PDF; File > Preferences > History. 
  3. An option to include annotations when converting PDFs to Word, and the ability to undo/redo signatures on PDFs. 

Issue Fixes:

Along with improving the overall stability and performance of PDF Pro, we have fixed a variety of bugs and issues including:

  • Drawing shapes.
  • Font size issues in form fields
  • App crashes when working with form fields, headers, & footers.
Digital Marketing SpecialistArron Staradub
Arron was a Digital Marketer at PDF Pro, where he wrote helpful and engaging articles for those that that used PDFs in their daily life.

Discover PDF PRO

Working with PDF documents has never been easier

PDF Pro is a desktop software for Windows distributed by PDF Pro Software Inc. The software "PDF Pro" and the company "PDF Pro Software Inc." are in no way affiliated with Adobe. The PDF file format is an open file format published under ISO 32000-1:2008

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