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Duplicate a Page in PDF in Windows or Mac

June 24, 2022
Last Updated
March 15, 2024
2 min read
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Duplicating a PDF page is easy, and with the right tools, so is inserting the duplicate page within the same PDF. 

To duplicate a page of a PDF in Windows, you’ll need a PDF editor that allows you to insert pages into a PDF. For Mac users, your operating system will have Preview built-in, which will allow you to duplicate PDF pages.

How to Duplicate a Page in PDF in Windows

Like most things, there are different ways to achieve similar tasks. When it comes to duplicating PDF pages in Windows, we've listed our recommended method: PDF Pro.

PDF Pro (Recommended)

For Windows users, we recommend PDF Pro, our all-in-one PDF editor designed for Windows desktop. Powerful, easy to use, and more affordable than Acrobat DC.  Try PDF Pro for free today

1. Open the PDF you want to duplicate in PDF Pro, then press the Edit tab. 

edit tab highlighted in PDF Pro.

2. Press the Insert Page button.

Insert page button highlighted in PDF Pro.

3. Click Browse

Browse button highlighted in Insert Pages dialog box.

4. Find and Open the same PDF that you already have open. 

Windows Open file dialog box with a PDF file selected, and the Open button highlighted.

5. Specify the page you want to duplicate, and where you want the duplicate to appear in the PDF (Page Range). 

Insert Pages dialog box in PDF Pro. The "insert at page number" and "Page range to import" fields are highlighted.

6. Press Insert

Insert pages dialog box in PDF Pro. The red Insert button is highlighted.

7. Save the changes to your new PDF file. 

Save button highlighted in PDF Pro.

Adobe Acrobat DC

You can’t duplicate PDFs in Adobe Reader, so you’ll either need to pay for Acrobat DC (US $179 per year), or try an alternative method on this page.

  1. Open Adobe Acrobat, and open  the PDF file that you want to duplicate. 
  2. Click Tools.
  3. Click Organize Pages.
  4. Select the page(s) that you want to copy, hold the [ctrl] and drag the page(s) to a new location.
  5. Save the changes to your PDF. 

How to Duplicate a Page in PDF in Mac (Preview)

If you’re a Mac user, you can use the built-in functionalities of Preview to duplicate a PDF page. 

  1. Open the PDF in Preview. 
  2. Select the page(s) you want to duplicate.
  3. Holding the [option] key, drag the page(s) to the new location. 
  4. Save the changes to your PDF.

The Best Way to Manage PDFs on Windows — PDF Pro

Duplicating PDF pages can be a hassle, unless you have the right tools. And duplicating pages is just the tip of the iceberg of PDF management. 

PDF Pro makes it easy to manage your PDFs like a pro! Create, split, merge, convert PDF, and more! PDF Pro features a rich set of easy-to-use PDF tools, and is more affordable than Adobe Acrobat DC.

Want to Manage PDFs like a pro? Here’s what else PDF Pro can do for you: 

Download PDF Pro for free for 15 days or Buy Now!

Digital Marketing SpecialistArron Staradub
Arron was a Digital Marketer at PDF Pro, where he wrote helpful and engaging articles for those that that used PDFs in their daily life.

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PDF Pro is a desktop software for Windows distributed by PDF Pro Software Inc. The software "PDF Pro" and the company "PDF Pro Software Inc." are in no way affiliated with Adobe. The PDF file format is an open file format published under ISO 32000-1:2008

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